How are you??
This last week was crazy for me. I packed a ton of stuff in, and over did it a lil.’
So I apologize that this interview is a day late…
Health has to come first.
Today I am bringing you a very special interview.
Kiersten, she has recovered from breast cancer!
◊ Tell us a little about yourself. What chronic illness or symptoms do you have? & how did they start & when? ◊ :
At the age of 40, I was diagnosed with breast cancer (I am now 45). Chemotherapy and radiation, left my body completely depleted. I was placed on several meds for my anxiety and depression, lost 25lbs, wasn’t sleeping… After my lumpectomy, I was declared cancer-free, however, my doctors put the fear of God in me that I needed treatment. I feel the treatment nearly killed me – not the cancer. After I had completed the chemotherapy and radiation, I was still not feeling well. I knew I had to get off my meds. Taking medications (and going through chemo and radiation) felt wrong to me. I despised swallowing the pills and desperately wanted to not be on them. I was able to wean off over time, however, a year later, I felt another mass in the same breast and found out the cancer had returned. At that moment, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and completely change my life. I did have the mass removed (and was declared cancer free yet again), however, I did agree to chemotherapy again from pressure from my doctors. I began researching and found many alternative ways to heal, but I was yearning for someone to tell me exactly what my body needed. I wanted a plan specific to me. I wanted to know why…Enter Anthony William…that’s when my life changed!
◊ What’s your daily healing routine? ◊ :
I just have kept it the exact same as what Anthony told me three years ago. My eating is very clean (vegan, g-free, no sugar…) and I never miss a day of my supplements. Also, the angels play a big role in my daily life now.
◊ What does your typical day of eating look like? ◊ :
My morning involves lemon water, celery juice and my wild blueberry smoothie, along with my supplements. That holds me over until I eat an early lunch, which usually involves some kind of a salad, hummus and rice cakes, or potatoes and fruit. I am not completely raw and do eat grains every now and then. I am currently addicted to potatoes, both white and sweet. Dinner is usually a soup and vegetables, or salad. My evening ends with a tea before I go to bed.
◊ What was your diet like before you started the Medical Medium protocol? ◊ :
I ate a lot of cheese! I also ate meat and gluten and everything I now know I need to avoid. I love cooking, and always thought I was cooking healthy meals for my family. That all has changed.
◊ What’s your favorite meal/recipe? ◊ :
I love recipes from the “Oh, She Glows” cookbooks. I love her vegan Caesar salad (minus the nutritional yeast). She has a vegan “cheese” sauce, which is outstanding. I give it to my children over quinoa pasta and they love it. As I mentioned before, I am also obsessed with potatoes and sweet potatoes. I love putting my salad right in a baked potato. I also love soups this time of year. I have a lentil soup recipe that I love.
◊ What are some of the supplements you are currently taking? ◊ :
I take iodine, B12, zinc, cats claw, barley grass juice powder, spirulina, chaga, reishi, liposomal C, curcumin, D3 and lysine. If I ever feel like I am coming down with something (or my kids), I have a cabinet full of supplements to take. I love how empowered I feel now over the health of my family.
◊ What are some of your strategies to deal with pain or symptoms that you experience? ◊ :
The only symptom I ever get is a heavy fatigue every now and then. When that happens, I will readjust my supplements or add in foods to counteract it. Before speaking with Anthony, I used to get headaches, joint pain, acid reflux, brain fog…but I have none of that now. I feel I am so in sync with my body, that I can usually pinpoint why I may be experiencing a certain symptom and know what to do to alleviate it.
◊ Have you experienced push back from people in your life or even strangers, after changing your diet and lifestyle? If so how do you deal with that? ◊ :
Not really, I think people were so happy to see me well again. I think in the beginning, I may have been a little pushy though. My mindset was: “Hey, everyone, I want you to feel as good as I feel and know what I know, so do this…”. But, then when I felt someone wasn’t responding, I would feel disappointed and sometimes angry. I have learned to back off. It is hard to see people I love suffering when I know how they could heal. I find myself trying to figure out what is wrong with people all the time and how they could feel better. I now ask the angels to help me with this (and to help them).
◊ Now for a little more about you! What’s your favorite book right now? ◊ :
“Life-Changing Foods” by Anthony William is my bible. We are going away in February and my plan is to read over Anthony’s first book again.
◊ Can you share with us your go to tv show right now? ◊ :
I love getting lost into a series, like something on Netflix. I am currently watching “Veep” and “This is Us”.
◊ What’s your favorite herbal tea? ◊ :
Ah…so many to choose from. I just started drinking nettle leaf each day, but I love ginger tea. I like lemon balm, but it makes me feel a bit sedated, so I have that at night.
◊ Are you more of a beach or forest girl? ◊ :
Beach for sure. I moved to Newport, Rhode Island after college for the summer one year, on my own, without knowing anyone. Something was calling me there. I worked as a hostess at a restaurant that was right on the ocean and I felt completely at home. The waves have always been so soothing for me. That was one of the best summers of my life.
◊ Consistency is big when it comes to healing. Can you share your tips on how to stay consistent with the diet and supplements? ◊ :
I think when you overcome an illness, like I did twice, you will do whatever it takes to be healthy. My motivation comes in the form of never wanting to go through that again and once you have the knowledge and confidence of how to truly heal, there is no going back. Feeling good is motivation for me also.
◊ At Breaking Free we always try to look at the positives. What are you grateful for as a result of your illness? ◊ :
I am grateful for everything – it’s so true when they say “pressure creates diamonds”. Every dark hour I had (and there were many), led me to the brightest light possible. Honestly, I believe my reoccurrence was both a blessing and a slap in the face by a higher power saying, “Wake up! Take the steering wheel and drive! Use this hardship to become stronger and to help others”. This is exactly what I am doing. When I work with people now, I truly understand what they are going through.
◊ What would you say has been the most challenging obstacle/s in your healing journey? ◊ :
I think when I was trying to do it on my own. The period between when I decided I needed a new plan up until I found Anthony, I felt a bit lost. I knew I needed a different direction, but didn’t know exactly which way to turn. After the first three minutes of speaking with him, my fear turned to love and strength. The Practitioner’s Group has been amazing and I feel so close to the other members. We all share a common bond. If there is something bothering me, I go straight to that group and they lift me up – no judgement, just pure love and reassurance.
◊ Starting a healing journey can be overwhelming. Do you have any tips for someone just getting started? ◊ :
I love the quote “Hold the vision, trust the process”. I think when you can visualize how you want to feel and look and what you want to be doing, it acts as a catalyst for things to start moving in the right direction. If you can hold that visual of yourself in your mind, it can ignite a healing process to begin, even if you don’t see it at first.
◊ The foods and supplements can get expensive, do you have any budgeting tips you can share? ◊ :
I think you have to think of it in terms of what you are pushing out of your shopping cart and of what you are swapping out of your diet. Like, maybe you’d always buy soda, but now you are buying tea. Maybe you’d go to Starbucks and get coffee each day, but now you are just drinking lemon water at home (and are now saving money). My family never has to go to the doctor for illness anymore, nor do we use any prescriptions or over-the-counter meds, so we are saving a ton right there. When you realize the investment you are putting into your health, your perspective starts to shift.
◊ With the knowledge to heal yourself, do you have any goals and dreams for the future that you would like to share? ◊ :
I am a holistic health coach and enjoy working with individuals, and I love sharing what I have learned from Anthony with others. I would like to share with as many people possible though, so I have started doing workshops to reach a bigger audience. I just did two focusing on ten of Anthony’s life-changing foods. The second workshop was sold out. I have a goal to do more and keep reaching more and more people. Another goal is to completely change the food and snacks at my sons’ school district – which I am in the process of doing with a few other parents. My friend and I started a smoothie club at our elementary school, where we serve over 340 smoothies to the students and staff every other month. I’d like to get this into all of the schools in our district. I want the concept to spread. I’d also like to speak to the doctors at my oncologist’s office to speak to them about how to help patients prevent and heal from cancer after treatment. Another idea I am putting out there is that one of my doctors will reach out to me to be their health coach :)…
◊ How can we connect with you? Social Media, website… ◊ :
Facebook: Kiersten Spain Holistic Health Coach
Instagram: @spain1225
Twitter @KierstenSpain
Isn’t she magnificent ! School District snack changes! Life changing foods workshops! Way to go Kiersten!!
Be sure to follow her!
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Wishing you a beautiful week !!
With Love,